I read through a post made by Emili Idris John on LinkedIn yesterday where he was talking about the “fears” being faced by “The Newbies”

Under the comment section, I had contributed by giving a definition of the word “FEAR” as๐Ÿ‘‡

“False Evidence Appearing Real”

You need to understand that fear does not exist, it is only an imagination of what could happen.

Just as you have imagined the possibility of a certain occurrence, you can as well construct your mind to see the possibilities of a positive occurrence.

You want to venture into a business and you begin to sense “fear” all around you, thinking all manner of negativity such as:

๐Ÿ“Œwhat if the business collapses along the way

๐Ÿ“Œwhat if I do not make sales as expected

๐Ÿ“Œwhat if people do not accept this type of business

๐Ÿ“Œwhat if I run at lost

๐Ÿ“Œwhat if the economy gets even worse after May 29th

And several other “what if”

There is an adage in my tribe that says “you do not dip you foot inside water and start shouting of cold”

This is to tell you that you must be adequately prepared towards what you are about to venture into.

Yes, there will definitely be times when things won’t go as planned, just be rest assured that it is part of GROWTH.

Your fear should not be how to start and what happens the moment you start, your greatest motivation should be the number of people you will be able to reach out to with the goodness of your new adventure.

Wake up, head on, and push for that which you have been thinking about for a long time now.

Remember, there is no better time than now!

I love you

Nifemi Ojo๐Ÿ˜˜


Do you ever have any fear and has it affected you in any way before now?

Please share with myself and others in the comment section.





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